Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Emperor Jones by Eugene O’Neill | Characters, Summary, Analysis

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. The Emperor Jones was a tragic play by Eugene O’Neill that was first performed in 1920. It was the first massive hit by Eugene O’Neill, partially based on the brief, corrupt, and brutal presidency of Haiti’s Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, who was murdered by Haitians on July 28, 1915. The play is a brilliant experimental work of Eugene O’Neill in which he mixed expressionism with realism to invoke a proper amount of emotions in the audience.

CharactersBrutus Jones was a train porter in the United States. Once, during a game of dice, he kills a man and is sent to life imprisonment. He then kills a prison guard and runs away from America as a stowaway on a ship going to West Indies. He reaches an unidentified island where he impresses the gullible native people and gradually exploits them. The native people gather and try to kill them but fail as he dodges the bullet and makes the native people believe that he cannot be killed by lead bullets and only a silver bullet can kill him. He then becomes the uncrowned ruler of the island and starts exploiting the people ruthlessly. Smithers is an evil man who is always on the side of one with power. He pretends to be a good friend of Jones but has veiled malice against him. He is a profound racist white Cockney trader. He warns Jones of the revolution against him. Lem was the leader of the native people before Jones arrived. He tried to kill Jones with a bullet, but Jones somehow remained unscathed. To kill Jones, he melts some coins to make silver bullets to kill the brutal despot. There is an old native woman who informs Smithers about a rebellion against Jones as he arrives on the island at the beginning of the play. The witch doctor is a figment of  Jones' imagination during his weird hallucinatory experience when he tries to save himself against the rebellion by running away to the jungle. The witch doctor is a spiritual shaman, an image of Africa trying to sacrifice Jones to a god-like crocodile. Brutus Jones uses his silver bullet to kill the crocodile, his imagination representing himself. As the crocodile dies, he realizes he is mortal and subject to harm and death.

Summary of The Emperor Jones:

Smithers, a Cockney trader arrives at an unidentified island in the West Indies and goes to meet the Emperor of the Island at his palace. It is a dark night. He observes that all the servants and workers have left the palace. As he searches more, he sees an old native woman. He asks where has everyone gone? She says that a rebellion is arising and all the servants have joined hands with the natives who are planning to kill the Emperor. The Emperor is Brutus Jones a fugitive from America.

Smithers is worried, Emperor Jones is one of his friends and a profitable business partner. He goes to his bed chamber. As Emperor Jones wakes up, Smithers informs him about the rebellion and warns him that he can be killed. He suggests that the emperor should run away through the jungle but says that it can be very dangerous. However, Jones isn’t worried about the insurrection. He does not believe that his illiterate, superstitious subjects can outsmart him. He has deceived them to believe that no lead bullet can kill him. They believe that only a silver bullet can kill the Emperor but the only silver bullet on the island is with Emperor Jones. He still confesses to Smithers that he knew this day would come when people will revolt against him as he has been stealing from the people of the island and amassing a huge fortune in a foreign bank account.

Jones observes that none of his servants is with him. He hears the beating of drums from afar. He decides that he will run away through the jungle and go to a foreign land to enjoy his fortune. As he enters in the dark forest, his worries get over him and he starts hallucinating, seeing figures in thin air. However, he is convinced that the native people cannot acquire a silver bullet to kill him. Lem, the leader of the rebels once tried to kill Jones but he dodged the bullet and established that no lead bullet can kill him.

Emperor Jones continues to go deep into the dark jungle so that he may reach the shore from another side. Gradually, his hallucinations get intense. He has a loaded gun with five lead bullets and a silver bullet. He sees his innermost fears, his crimes from the past, one by one as his hallucinations get stronger. He begins a monologue as if the figures he sees in his hallucination are real. The first figure that appears is of the person that he killed during the game of dice. As he laughs at Jones, Jones fires a bullet at the figure and it vanishes. The sound of bullets reaches the ears of rebellions and they follow it. The sound of beating drums intensifies a bit so do the heartbeats of Jones.

The second figure that emerges out of his hallucinations is that of the prison guard trying to catch him and throw him back into the prison. As the figure charges toward Jones, he uses the second bullet at the figure and it vanishes. The sound of fire echoes in the jungle and the drum beats intensify. Jones is forced to go deeper into the dark jungle.

His hallucinations then take him deeper into his subconscious and he sees a slave market. He sees himself being auctioned in the slave market and as he is about to be auctioned, he uses his third bullet and the resounding noise allows rebellions to know where he is. Meanwhile, Jones continues his monologue, describing all his past life crimes and experiences. He then sees a slave ship taking slaves from African shores. He is forced to use his fourth bullet. The sound of the drum continues to intensify.

As he reaches further deep into the jungle near a stream, he sees a figure of a witch doctor trying to force him towards a huge threatening crocodile sitting near the river with his mouth wide open. The crocodile is willing to eat jones while the witch hunter is trying to offer Jones as a sacrifice to the god-like crocodile. Jones gets frightened. He uses his fourth bullet on the witch doctor who escapes. Now his pistol contains the last silver bullet. As the crocodile charges towards him with its open mouth, Jones shoots at the crocodile with the last remaining silver bullet. Darkness intensifies and so does the ear-tearing sound of drum beatings.

Smithers meets Lem, the leader of the rebels. Lem proudly informs him that they have killed Jones. He informs Smithers that the revolutionaries melted down silver coins to make silver bullets to kill Emperor Jones and the play ends.

The play uses many symbols signifying the changes in the fate of Jones. The most important is his uniform as the Emperor. When Brutus Jones first appears as the Emperor of the island, he is wearing an impressive uniform with lots of medals, brass buttons, and gold chevrons and braids. As he tries to run away from the rebels in the jungle and faces his past demons, his medals and braids and everything precious continues to fall away from him until there is nothing left. His uniform becomes a symbol of his fall from power. Similarly, the silver bullet that Jones carries is a symbol of his hubris, his false ego, and his fake importance. The silver bullet signifies his power over the innocent native people of the island. Jones cleverly creates a myth that he cannot be harmed by a lead bullet. The poor native people cannot think of getting a silver bullet to kill him. As he holds the silver bullet himself, he is convinced that he cannot be harmed. But when he is forced to use it on the crocodile of his imagination, he loses that silver bullet and it signifies the end of his hubris. He always knew that one day he would have to face rebellion. He had saved that silver bullet to use on himself. The crocodile signifies himself, a false god that can be taken down by a single bullet. The dark jungle signifies his own mind filled with his consciousness, confessions, and memories of his past criminal life. The beating sound of drums signifies to Jones that the rebels are reaching near to hunt him down. As the sound of drums intensifies, so does the rate of his heart beats.

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of American literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards!

Friday, December 16, 2022

The Beaux Stratagem by George Farquhar | Characters, Summary, Analysis

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. The Beaux Stratagem was a comedy written by George Farquhar and was first performed in the year 1707. It was one of the last restoration comedies that gained huge success. The drama touches on the difficult subject of the divorce of an incompatible couple while the divorce wasn’t legal in England during the restoration period. Even if a couple decided to separate during that time, the wife wasn’t offered any money or help from the husband. Farquhar developed this plot involving a divorce of a woman with her drunken, unsupportive, and unloving husband and then created a deceiving device to let her have her share of the money.

Characters: The main characters are the two young and handsome friends Archer and Aimwell who have lost all their fortune in their expensive lifestyle. They plan to go away from the city and entrap some rich girl in love, rob her and then move away. The very first town they visit is Lichfield where they meet Dorinda, the young daughter of a rich landlady Lady Bountiful who specializes in herbal medicines. Boniface is an inn owner of Lichfield where Archer and Aimwell stay. Cherry is the inn owner’s daughter who falls in love with Archer. Squire Sullen is the son of Lady Bountiful and the brother of Dorinda. He is a drunkard who doesn’t care for his wife at all, Scrub is his servant. Count Bellair is a french soldier. Kate Sullen is Lady Bountiful’s daughter-in-law, Sullen’s unhappy wife. She tries everything to get the attention of Squire Sullen but he remains indifferent. Gipsy is Kate’s maid. Gibbet is a robber who plans to rob Kate, Dorinda, and Lady Bountiful with the help of his associates Bagshot and HounslowSir Charles Freeman is the brother of Kate Sullen who visits her. He is a past acquaintance of Archer and Aimwell.

Summary of The Beaux Stratagem

Archer and Aimwell are two young handsome gentleman richly spending their life and money in the extravagance of London. The two beaux are almost penniless now as they have got the last two hundred pounds left with them. While both are strong and able, none of them is willing to sell their swords for the wars and join the Military. The only other option left for them is to trap some rich girls in their love and get money from them. However, they cannot let their friends in London know that they are penniless. Archer suggests that they should leave London for the countryside and let fate decide their course for them. Aimwell agrees and suggests a shrewd plan that in the other towns they will visit, one of them will pretend to be a fine lord and the other will be his loyal servant. This will let them impress the country folk and deceive some rich landlord’s beautiful girl. Archer agrees and it is decided that they will play the part of rich lord one by one and the first turn will be of Aimwell while Archer will act as his servant.

The first town they visit is Lichfield. They visit the local inn and befriend the inn owner Will Boniface. Aimwell playing the part of lord invites Boniface to drink with him as he pays and tries to know about the rich people of the town. Boniface informs him about Lady Bountiful who is a widow and lives with her son, daughter, and daughter-in-law. Everyone in the town respects Lady Bountiful for her specialization in herbal medicines. Her daughter Dorinda is young and beautiful and Lady Bountiful is looking for a good suitor for her. Boniface further informs that Lady Bountiful’s son Squire Sullen is a lazy person who does nothing but sleeps, eat, and drink. He recently married a beautiful London girl but it seems she is not happy with Squire Sullen. At the inn, there are some French captive soldiers including Count Bellair, his assistant Foigard, and their priest.

Aimwell tries to win the trust of Boniface by giving him the bag of their 200 pounds to keep in safety that he will take when he leaves the town. Boniface has connections with the local robber Gibbet, Hounslow and Bagshot. He suspects that Aimwell and Archer are thieves and plan to rob their money. He tells his young daughter to tease the servant Archer to gather more information about them while he offers more alcohol to Aimwell trying to pry about him. However, Aimwell is too smart to spill his secrets and Boniface gets nothing. Cherry also tries her best but instead of gathering any information about her father’s interest, she finds herself attracted to Archer and feels she loves him.

Lady Bountiful, her daughter Dorinda, and daughter-in-law Kate Sullen also learn about the new visitors to their town and they are curious about them. Aimwell visits the local church to meet rich Dorinda and impresses her with his etiquette. Dorinda immediately falls in love with this handsome stranger while Kate Sullen finds Archer very attractive. She asks Scrub, her husband’s servant, to invite Archer to their home so that Dorinda may come to know more about Aimwell. Archer visits their home but Dorinda and Kate fail to get any information about Aimwell. However, Kate further falls into Archer’s charm.

Kate is recently married to Squire Sullen but he has no interest in his beautiful wife. Kate and Dorinda attempt to awaken him and make him take interest in Kate as a dutiful loving husband by pretending that Kate is having an extra-marital affair with someone. They chose the captive Count Bellair as a fake lover of Kate. Dorinda informs Sullen about Kate’s (fake) affair and to offer proof, she hides Sullen in a closet so that he may see Kate meeting some stranger with his own eyes. As Count Bellair is brought to their house, hands freed, Sullen rushes out of the closet with his sword in his hand. However, Kate stops him from attacking Bellair by showing him a pistol aimed at him. Sullen gets subdued by his wife but he makes a point that he doesn’t worry if she is having an affair as long as she is not falling for a Frenchman as he detests all Frenchman. Thus, the ruse of Kate and Dorinda fails as Sullen doesn’t care if Kate has an extra-marital affair. As he leaves, Kate informs Count Bellair that it was all a drama and she has no interest in him as she is loyal to her husband. Count Bellair says that even if she is a virtuous lady, she is not honest. He further says that she may call him at any time whenever she needs his help. As Dorinda and Kate’s stratagem proves to be a failure, she gets reckless.

Meanwhile, Archer knocks at Dorinda’s door and informs her that his master is ill as he is suffering a fit. He requests Lady Bountiful to check and cure him. Aimwell feigns a coma but as soon as Dorinda comes to see him, and caringly touches his hand, he regains consciousness and squeezes her beautiful hand. Archer is happy for his master gaining consciousness back but suggests that he is still unwell and must rest at Lady Bountiful’s house for a while. Dorinda and Kate invite them to a tour of their house. Aimwell takes Dorinda away while Kate Sullen finds herself alone with her attractive beau Archer. She is strongly attracted to him especially since her own husband has never touched her since their marriage. As she shows Archer the door of her bed chamber, he enters in and seducingly invites her into her own bed. However, she is determined to keep her conscience and saves herself from falling for Archer.

As Archer leaves, Scrub meets him who has become a friend of Archer a fellow servant. He says that he is worried about his master Squire Sullen as he overheard Foigard, the assistant of Count Bellair bribing Gipsy, the maid of Kate to conceal Beallair in Kate’s bed chamber at night so that he may sully the virtuous lady Kate Sullen. Meanwhile, Boniface connives with Gibbet, Hanslow, and Bagshot to rob the house of Lady Bountiful. After reaching the inn, Archer and Aimwell confront Foigard and the Priest and charge them of treason. They threaten them and in exchange for their silence, they demand that the priest will send Archer in place of Bellair to Kate’s bedroom.

Back at the home, Kate receives the information that her brother Sir Charles Freeman is visiting her to help her get rid of her obnoxious husband. Dorinda is still enjoying the memories of romantic moments she had spent with Aimwell as she dreams of her future as lord Aimwells wife in London. Kate is also thinking of how charming Archer is.

To avoid any struggle, Gibbet makes Squire Sullen tipsy with alcohol at the inn. When Freeman reaches the town, he meets Sullen and starts talking to him without knowing that Sullen is his brother-in-law as the two have never met before.

At night, Archer is shifted to Kate’s bedroom in place of Bellair. Cherry comes to know that the robbers have armed themselves to march and rob Lady Bountiful’s house. She informs Aimwell about their plan. Back at home, Kate is preparing to sleep as she dreams of Archer and moans. Archer notices her and realizes that she is weak for him. He jumps out of the closet in front of her and takes her in his arms. Kate gets frightened and her conscience and shame save her against Archer’s charm. At the same time, Scrub runs into the bedroom and informs that robbers have attacked the house. Archer takes out his sword and as Gibbet enters, he attacks them and subdues them. He calls for the help of Foigard who is hidden in Gipsy’s home to bind Gibbet. Hounslow and Bagshot were robbing Dorinda and Lady Bountiful in another room when Aimwell reached there. He subdues them and saves Dorinda and her mother. Soon Archer and Kate also appear and Archer suggests to Aimwell that it is the right time when he should ask for Dorinda’s hand from Lady Bountiful as she will feel grateful. At the same time, Freeman enters the house and greets his sister Kate. When Archer sees him, he gets frightened because Freeman is one of their friends from London. He thinks Freeman will tell the truth about their fraud. Aimwell, on the other hand, proposes to Dorinda at the same time and honestly tells her that he is no lord. He confesses that he is a fraud, falsely bearing his elder brother’s title. Dorinda accepts Aimwell as he is and soon gets good news from Freeman that the elder brother of Aimwell has suddenly died and now Aimwell is the only heir of his father and dead brother’s estate. Dorinda and Aimwell cherish the news as Lady Bountiful nods for their marriage.

Bellair arrives there and informs that the inn has also been robbed. He gives Archer a letter from Cherry in which she informed him how her father collaborated with robbers and ran away with lord Aimwell’s money. However, Aimwell isn’t worried about that money now when he is a true lord. Freeman reveals that he visited there to get his sister freed from the burden of a marriage where her husband is not at all interested in her. Archer finds the papers of Kate Sullen’s estate in the things that Gibbet robbed. He persuades Sullen to sign the papers of separation with Kate while offering all her estate that he got as dowry back to her. Sullen is still in the effect of alcohol and he signs the papers. Everyone is happy as Aimwell is a true lord now and he has got Dorinda as his wife. Archer is also happy because Aimwell offers all the estate of Dorinda to Archer. Freeman is happy because his sister is free now. Kate is also happy as now she can dream of marrying Archer as the play ends.

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of English literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards.

The Recruiting Officer by George Farquhar | Characters, Summary, Analysis

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. George Farquhar was an English Irish actor and playwright who played the role of Young Bellaire in George Etherege’s drama The Man of Mode. However, he achieved greater success as a dramatist and produced some popular comedies. His first successful play was The Constant Couple (1699). The other two more famous plays authored by George Farquhar were The Recruiting Officer which was first performed in 1706 and The Beaux’ Stratagem which was first performed in 1707. The drama satirizes Army recruitment and shows the corruption in Army ranks. The recruiting officers are shown as corrupt and unscrupulous and cowardly. Another theme is greed to attain a higher class and wealth. All the characters continue to look for someone from higher and wealthier background to love. Love in the upper class of society is shown as shallow and fickle.

Characters: The play contains many stock characters such as Mr. BalanceMr. Scale, and Mr. Scruple who are the three judges. The main characters are Captain Plume who is the titular recruiting officer. He is a corrupt officer who is willing to engage in any means necessary for recruiting new soldiers. His main goal is to somehow make Sylvia his mistress by letting her believe that she is married to him while he is in no mood to marry her at all as she isn’t as wealthy as he would prefer. Sylvia Balance is a young bubbly girl who dearly loves Captain Plume and wishes to marry him at any cost. As she finds that Plume is trying to evade her, she masquerades as a man, a competing false recruiting officer. Mr. Worthy is a friend of Captain Plume while Sgt Kite is his aide. Sgt Kite is as corrupt as Captain Plume. Melinda is a cousin of Sylvia whom Mr. Worthy loves. He proposed to her to be his mistress as she is of poor background but Melinda got offended. As her aunt died, Melinda got a fortune in her aunt’s will. Now as Melinda is richer, Mr. Worthy wants to marry her. On the other hand, Melinda chooses to use Mr. Brazen, another recruiting officer to make Worthy feel jealous. Justice Balance is Sylvia’s father. He is the local magistrate who presides as justice of the peace over potential recruits accused of vagrancy. He doesn’t want Sylvia to be with Plume as he knows that Plume is corrupt. When he finds that Sylvia has disguised as a soldier named Mr. Jack Willfull just to be near Captain Plume as he recognizes the clothing used by Sylvia which is of her brother, he eventually allows her to marry Captain Plume.

Summary of The Recruiting Officer

The play begins as Sgt Kite reaches the town of Shrewsbury, in Shropshire, England for recruiting new Army officers. He openly calls for those men in the town who are not happy with their life to enlist in the Military. However, no one is interested in his call. So he decides to offer free booze and the whole crowd gathers him. Meanwhile, his senior recruiting officer Captain Plume arrives with his friend Mr. Worthy. Captain Plume is in love with a girl named Sylvia but doesn’t wish to marry her. He is planning to deceive her into believing that she is married to her while having no legal responsibility to her so that he may marry some other girl of higher status. Mr. Worthy loves Sylvia’s cousin. Some days ago, He proposed to Melinda to be her mistress as he didn’t wish to marry her especially because she is of poor background. However, Melinda got offended by his indecent proposal. Meanwhile, as Melinda’s old aunt died, she got 20000 Pounds in inheritance. Now Mr. Worthy wishes to marry Melinda but she isn’t listening to him. Instead, Melinda has increased closeness with Mr. Brazen, another recruiting officer, a competitor to Captain Plume, and now to Mr. Worthy too. However, Melinda has yet not met Mr. Brazen, rather she sent her servant Lucy to meet Captain Brazen pretending to be Melinda.

Sylvia goes to meet Melinda. Sylvia tells her that she is determined to get married to Captain Plume. Melinda is still upset with what Mr. Worthy did to her and this makes her more jealous. She wonders why will an officer marry a judge’s daughter? Sylvia is of no higher class than her. Furthermore, Melinda believes that Captain Plume is a characterless libertine. She feels that Captain plume is ruining Mr. Worthy too. Both argue over it and Sylvia says that just some days ago, Melinda was even willing to go to Worthy for maintenance as a mistress. Melinda fumes over this as Sylvia goes away. She decides to write a letter to Judge Balance informing him about how Captain Plume is a bad influence on Sylvia.

Justice Balance had two children, a son, and a daughter. He had saved 15000 pounds as dowry for her daughter. However, his son dies and now his daughter Sylvia is the sole heir and this increases her worth from 15000 pounds in total that Judge Balance was ready to give to Captain Plume if he marries Sylvia, but for Plume, that was too less. Now, as Sylvia is Judge Balance’s sole heir, Captain Plume will get 1200 pounds every year along with 15000 pounds and Judge Balance thinks this huge money will ruin Plume’s head. Thus, Judge Balance tells Sylvia Know yourself price and throw Captain Plume out of your head." He asks her why Melinda wrote that letter to him to which Sylvia says that she quarreled with Melinda and she wrote it to take revenge. Judge Balance is happy to know that Captain Plume is not actually characterless and the letter was a lie. Yet, he doesn’t want to let Sylvia go near Captain Plume. Instead of arguing with Judge Balance, Sylvia tells him that she is going to Wales to get rid of memories of Captain Plume. However, she disguises herself in the male uniform of her dead brother and goes to Shrewsbury to be near Captain Plume.

Sylvia reaches Shrewsbury and pretends to be Mr. Jack Willfull. Both recruiters, Captain Plume and Captain Brazen try to recruit Jack Willfull on their list. Jack says that he will get enlisted with whoever offers him more money. Captain Plume then challenges Captain Brazen to a duel and as they start sword fighting, they realize that jack has disappeared. They soon give up their argument and start talking like close friends.

Sylvia goes to a local wench named Rose to stay overnight. She is still in Jack’s disguise. Captain Plume pursued Rose to recruit her brother into his regiment and he succeeded. At night, Rose decides to rob Jack and when she fails, she accuses Jack of sexual assault. She is arrested and taken to the court where Judge Scruple, Judge Scale, and Judge Balance hear Rose’s cases. Sylvia doesn’t give up her disguise and pretends to be Jack. She insolently accuses the army of being corrupt and her remarks force Judges to send her to imprisonment. Judges notice the remarks of Jack on the corruption of army recruitment and decide to check on Sgt Kite but do not take any action against him.

Captain Plume decides to help Mr. Worthy in wooing Melinda. Sgt Kite disguises himself as a fortuneteller while Captain Plume disguises himself as his controlled spirit. As Melinda visits the fortuneteller, he makes her believe that she must not let Mr. Worthy go away as it will ruin her life. Melinda agrees with him and accepts Worthy’s proposal. At the same time, Captain Brazen visits and shows Sgt Kite a letter apparently written by Melinda in which she promises him to marry. However, Mr. Worthy doesn’t believe the letter, and Melinda opposes it. Worthy decides to match the handwriting and finds that the letter sent to Captain Brazen is written by someone else. He rightly guesses that Melinda’s maid Lucy wrote that letter as she was the one who met Captain Brazen in place of Melinda. He assumes that Lucy is in love with Mr. Brazen and he is correct too. However, Mr. Brazen doesn't want to marry Lucy as she is poor.

Sgt Kite takes all prisoners to the courtroom where Judge Scale, Judge Scruple, and Judge Balance rethink their case. The first prisoner is not charged and Kite frees him. The second prisoner is accused of being too honest. Captain Plume wishes to recruit at least one honest man in the military so he goes to Captain Plume’s list. Next comes Jack Willfull. As Judge Balance sees jack closely this time, he recognizes the clothes Jack is wearing. These are his son’s cloth. He then sees the hand of Jack and realizes that Jack is Sylvia in disguise who got there just to pursue Captain Plume. He apparently gives his nod to Sylvia and order Plume to take Jack with him and never let his new soldier run away from him.

The play ends as Captain Plume realizes that he got Sylvia’s hand in marriage.

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of English literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Anna Christie by Eugene O’Neill | Characters, Summary, Analysis

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. Anna Christie was a drama by the American playwright Eugene O’Neill that won him his second Pulitzer Prize for Drama in the year 1922. It is a four-act play that was first performed in 1920. Unlike his previous play (Beyond The Horizon) which had a tragic ending, Anna Christie ends on a promising happy note. Yet, the titular character and the protagonist of the play represent the marginalized weak section of society.


Anna Christopherson (Anna Christie) is a young girl who was abandoned by her father at the age of five. She decides to meet her father who is a sea Captain. Chris C. Christopherson (Old Chris) is her father. Mat is a young man who is among the rescued people from a shipwreck. He comes close to Anna. Johnny the Priest is the barkeeper in whose bar, Anna reunites with her estranged father after many years. Marthy is a grown-up woman, the current girlfriend of Chris. She shares a barge with Chris.

Summary of Anna Christie

The play begins as Anna Christie, a young girl knocks on the door of a bar. Chris is a barge captain who is having some drinks in the same bar. He is well known to the barkeeper Johnny the Priest and shows him a letter that he recently got. He says that this letter is from his estranged daughter whom he hadn’t seen since she was five years old. He says that since he used to be on the sea most of the time, his wife decided to live on a farm in Minnesota with her family members, and Chris never visited them there. He discusses the matter of the letter with Johnny the Priest. His daughter Anna is coming to New York City to meet him. Chris is a bit nervous about it as he hadn’t seen his daughter for years and he doesn’t know how to react. He is also worried that he isn’t leading a settled life. As Chris leaves the bar, Anna enters in. She is a confident girl who reveals herself as a tough cynical prostitute. She meets Mathy at the bar and soon the two become friendly with each other. Marthy is the girlfriend of Old Chris but Anna doesn’t know that. She reveals her reason to visit New York City to Marthy. She informs that the brothel she was working for in Saint Paul was arrested. She was given a choice of freedom if she leaves the town. She was feeling a bit ill so she decided to take a leave and visited New York City where her father lives. She is planning to stay and rest with her father for a while. She further reveals her past to Marthy and says that she doesn’t expect much from her father because she hasn't seen him since she was five. She informs her how her mother took her to a farm to live with her family where one of Christie’s cousins raped her. To save herself from further exploitation, she chose to run away to Saint Paul. She got some help in the new town and got a job as a nanny. However, she did not like caring for children and became a prostitute instead.

As Old Chris returns to the bar, he meets his daughter. Both cautiously greet each other and are optimistic about each other. Anna decides to hide her past life from her father and agrees to live with him and Marthy on his barge.

At sea, Anna feels a new sense of freshness. She tells her father that she is liking life at his barge as it makes her feel clean and healthy. Chris isn’t happy about it. He worries that Anna may decide to marry some sea captain like him because he doesn’t want his daughter to feel the same loneliness that his wife and Anna’s mother suffered.

Later that night, Chris sees some people trapped in the sea. He rescues four shipwrecked sailors. One of them is Mat who is young, good-looking, and flirtatious. When he sees Anna at the barge he tries to flirt with her. As Mat attempts to seduce Anna, she resolutely resists him. Mat gets impressed by her tough and determined nature. He feels she is the girl he should marry and settle with. However, he is a sailor and Chris doesn’t want her daughter to be with a sailor. Thus, Chris tries everything to keep them apart. This develops tension between Chris and Mat and ultimately they argue about Anna. Their argument soon gets the heat and they get involved in a fistfight. Mat is younger and stronger while Chris is getting old. Mat easily beats and defeats Chris. When Anna comes to know this, she gets very upset. She doesn’t like the fact that two such people who barely know her are fighting to decide her fate. She straightforwardly approaches Mat and says that though she likes him, she cannot marry him. Mat is adamant and he insists that Anna should accept his proposal. To this, Anna angrily reveals her past to him in presence of her father. She tells him that back in Saint Paul, she used to be a prostitute. As Chris and Mat listen to this, both get upset at Anna and criticize her. However, Anna isn’t ashamed of her past. She says that it is her father’s fault who abandoned her at such an early age. She informs how she was raped at the farm by her cousin and what forced her to become a prostitute. Anna further says that she decided to keep it a secret from her father but Mat has forced her to reveal her past. Mat gets furious and stomps out of the barge and starts drinking alcohol. On the other hand, Chris realizes that Anna became a prostitute only because of her situation while she has strong feelings for Mat. He decides to go behind Mat to convince him about Anna.

Chris continues to search for Mat for two days but fails to find him. He returns to his barge and finds that Anna is packing her belongings as she is preparing to return to Saint Paul. He informs her that he has signed on a ship project heading to South Africa. He says that he will make good money from it and will send it to Anna. Anna soothes him and says that she knows that he left her and his mother only to provide money for his family.

At the same time, Mat visits the barge through a steamer. He asks Anna to tell him that she lied about her past. But Anna isn’t ready to tell any lie and deny her reality. She says that she did work as a prostitute but now she has changed and swears that she will never go the same way she was in past. Mat realizes her toughness and believes in her. He forgives her and asks her to marry him the very next morning as he is also going to the same ship project headed to South Africa. He tells her that Anna won’t have to live alone for long as soon she will have his kids with her.

Chris tries to warn Anna again about the consequences of marrying a sailor. However, Anna convinces her that everything will be fine between her and Mat. Both Chris and Mat leave Anna as the play ends promising they will return soon to fill her life with all happiness she deserves. The play ends on a bittersweet note as it is suggested that Anna is making the same mistake that her mother did, years ago.

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of American literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards!

Christopher Marlowe’s Barabas, The Last Jew | Understanding the Character

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. Christopher Marlowe was one of the most conflicted figures of the Elizabethan era. Nobody knows about his family or his date of birth, but he was baptized on 26 February 1964. It's just a coincidence that William Shakespeare was also baptized in the same year. Marlowe is known to set the blank verse as a standard for the literature of the Elizabethan era. Right from a young age, he was frequently in trouble for accusations of homosexuality, atheism, brawling, and other transgressions. And this notoriety continued to grow as he came to be known as a spy backed by the Queen herself and then there were rumors that he was a crypto-Catholic and double agent. Anyways, his life was short as he was murdered on 30th May 1593 at the age of 29. Imagine being an atheist in a society full of Puritan, Presbyterian, and Protestant zealots. Unlike other eccentric figures of later times, like John Wilmot, he wasn’t a libertine, he wasn’t looking for pleasure and fun in transgressions. Rather he was a sort of libertarian, looking, at and establishing his freedom as an individual, and for that, he was rebellious and was always at risk of suffering, pain, and attacks and that’s how he ended. He knew he was different from the whole pack of other lots in London and that prompted him to experiment through his dramas. He continuously used the stage to raise questions about racial, religious, and sexual inequalities in the British society of his time. This is why he successfully portrayed many diverse characters that were marginalized on fringes of the society or were completely alien to the people of England. The three most important Marlovian characters are Tamburlaine, Barabas, and Dido and all these three were alien to the British people. Except for The Merchant of Venice which was first performed in 1605, one will find it difficult to name any drama or piece of literature of that era depicting a Jew as the main character. Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta was however already performed in 1592 and established itself as a long-going successful drama, the play remained popular for the next fifty years until England's theaters were closed in 1642.

Barabas, The Jew of Malta

Marlowe was a rebellion against the norms and society in general. He used the stage to reprimand society for its ills. His creation of Barabas was to show the mirror to the British people in such a manner that they would accept it without any ruckus. Marlowe chose Barabas as a Jew, different from the common people of Britain that was his audience, and that offered narrative freedom to his Hero that any other character of the dramas of the Elizabethan era could not enjoy. Consider the protagonist of an English drama abusing his Christian neighbors in his scathing monologue at the beginning of the play as Barabas says, “Who hateth me but for my happiness? Or who is honour'd now but for his wealth? Rather had I, a Jew, be hated thus. Than pitied in a Christian poverty. For I can see no fruits in all their faith. But malice, falsehood, and excessive pride. Which me thinks fits not their profession”. Barabas recognizes that he is being hated and discriminated against for being a Jew, and wealthy. And he hits at the hypocrisy of the majority Christians among whom he lives as he asks Why on earth would anybody want to be a Christian? If you ask Barabas, all they do is talk about how righteous they are and then turn around and do the opposite. And they don't make good money.

Barabas could say something like that and still, get cheers from the Christian audience because he was behaving as was expected from a typical Jewish man. He is presented as a parody figure with a grotesque and laughable physical figure while Marlowe used this to ridicule and chastise all the others, who were the majority in the Audience. And this was the reason why Machiavelli offers the Prologue. Marlowe’s Machevill introduces Barabas as a comic glutton who "smiles to see how full his bags are crammed" and that his "money was not got without my means." There is nothing common in between Barabas and Machiavelli but he depicts all the personality traits that the Elizabethan audience could recognize as Machiavellian. He is strategic, dishonest, power-hungry, and irreligious. As Barabas was recognizable and acceptable to the Christian audience as an alien, Marlowe exposes the rest of the characters in Christian-dominated Malta through Barabas. This alienness of Barabas allows him to connive and scheme until he succeeds in his goals. He is so stigmatized that the audience doesn’t feel a sense of disgust or revolt while he does all the mean things. It was a general perception of Jewishness that they are nothing but money-grubbing friends. So when Barabas wants to be a money-grubbing fiend, the Protestant audience wouldn’t find it off the mark. Replace Barabas with someone from any other religion, who will be questioned and criticized for loving money more than their own daughter. “My gold, my fortune, my felicity. Strength to my soul, death to mine enemy! Welcome, the first beginner of my bliss! O Abigall, Abigall, that I had thee here too!” Barabas says to Abigail. Barabas treats his daughter as nothing but a tool to get his fortune back and yet, he gains applause as a hero for succeeding at his trick because it is normalized that Abigail is nothing but another piece of property, another means to end. However, she is not as profitable property as Barabas could otherwise have. Instead of standing with her father for his revolt and revenge, she prefers her love for other men and when he is murdered, she prefers to turn to Christianity. In doing so, she becomes forfeit property, a replaceable that can be sacrificed. Barabas does not feel the need to humanize his daughter, because he does not feel the need to humanize anyone. If flesh and blood are property to him, then Barabas has nothing to lose but his fortune, a recoupable commodity. Marlowe makes the most of Barabas’ Machiavellianism, and his ability to act without restraint.

Barabas convinces Abigail, to pose as a convert and gain access to the nunnery now taking up residence in his home. “Who’s this? Fair Abigall, the rich Jew’s daughter Become a nun? Her father’s sudden fall Has humbled her and brought her down to this” Friar Barnadine makes fun of Barabas when Abigail goes to the nunnery. Instead of recognizing the discrimination and exploitation, Barabas faces for being a jew, an alien, the Friar forces him to convert. Barabas utilizes his alienness as a way to fly under the radar of the Christians persecuting him so that he can lay his trap. A Christian character, no matter their class, could never have crafted the plan’s inverse scenario, in which they converted to Judaism as a cover-up, simply because a European Christian converting to another faith would be outside of expectation and draw too much attention. Thus, Abigail’s turn to Christianity was applauded. This allows her and her father to carry out their plan in secret, aided by their differences rather than hindered by them.

Barabas then shakes hands with the attackers and acts as a traitor to his own city. However, this accusation of being a traitor appears mild because right from the beginning, he was never accepted as a citizen of Malta from the start. He was taxed more than what could be called appropriate for not only just being a jew but for being a straightforward person who could demand equality in eyes of the law. He was forcefully made to realize that he is alien to society, and to the land, thus the accusation of being a traitor doesn’t sully the character of Barabas, and he succeeds in appearing as the Hero. His end is also no less Heroic. Marlowe’s final act in The Jew of Malta gives the audience a choice when Barabas is caught in his own trap. “And, villains, know you cannot help me now. Then, Barabas, breathe forth thy latest fate. And in the fury of thy torments strive. To end thy life with resolution”. Barabas dies with an unusual gracefulness as if he is a noble character. He accepts his fate and takes responsibility for the actions that have led him here, all while staying true to his prior beliefs and moral code.

Marlowe makes the audience think if Barabas was the bad guy, or if was he one of the bad guys among many others engulfing him. He was a money-grubbing jew but he could use the greed of Friars to instigate them and quarrel. The men in service of God had so much greed for Barabas’s gold that Friar Zocomo gets killed and Friar Barnadine is accused of the murder. The false letters of a girl could make two close friends enemies of each other to the extent that they kill each other. Marlowe uses Barabas and offers him the freedom to express everything that Marlowe himself wished to comment on. He brings forth the corruption of the clergy, the immoral discrimination of the state against the marginalized section of the society, and all other immoral behavior hidden in the Christian society of England as Barabas ridicules them and make use of them.
So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of English literature. Please stay connected to the Discourse. Thanks and Regards!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

William Wycherly’s The Country Wife | Summary, Analysis

 Hello and welcome to the Discourse. William Wycherly was an English dramatist of the restoration period. He was born on April 8, 1641, and died in the year 1716. Like George Etherege, he was influenced by French writers and admired Moliere’s comedies of mannerism. During his visit to France, he chose to accept Catholicism. After returning to London, he again was influenced and returned to the Protestant fold only to become a Catholic again as he got favors and patronage of James II, the Duke of York who later became the King. He was known for his straightforward attitude that acquired him the nickname Manly Wycherly which might have been based upon his main character Captain Manly from one of his plays titled The Plain Dealer. Wycherly joined the Inner Temple to learn law but soon realized that his only interest is a pleasure and the stage. He left his studies and decided to be a playwright. His chosen subject was societal hypocrisy that he expressed through the means of comedy of manners. His first drama Love in a Wood was first performed in 1671. He came up with his second comedy in the same year which was titled The Gentleman Dancing Master. After that, he chose to go on sea journeys. Later on, he joined the army and fought during the Third Anglo-Dutch War as he was commissioned "Captain-Lieutenant" in the company of the Duke of Buckingham's regiment. Meanwhile, he continued producing comedies every now and then. However, he gained the most fame with the last of his two comedy plays which were titled The Country Wife which was performed in 1673 and was published in 1675, and The Plain Dealer, which was performed in 1675. Wycherly is attributed to the word nincompoop which means a foolish person, as he used the word in The Plain Dealer for the first time. He is also the first person to use the phrase ‘Happy-Go-Lucky.’

The Country Wife

The Country Wife is a comedy of manners that reflects an anti-Puritan ideology. It was produced and performed during the period when Puritanism was being backlashed while British society was becoming more tolerant. The play shows Moliere’s influence on Wycherly as it is based on some very famous French comedies by Moliere. Wycherly mastered the subject and added certain features to suit the British audience and that made it a huge success. Wycherly uses colloquial prose dialogues in his play along with some explicit sexual innuendos and many sexual jokes. The play deals with two main plots while a third plot continues to grow in between. The first plot of the play is that of a rake whose only aim is to sleep with as many women as he could. To achieve this, he uses the impotency trick. He pretends he is impotent so that he may safely have secret relationships with married women as their men won’t doubt him. The other plot is about an inexperienced country girl who is married to a middle-aged gentleman in London. Her husband believes that since she is from a village, city life won't affect her and she will remain loyal to her. However, the country wife is too enthusiastic about city life and especially the sophisticated, fascinating, and virile men of London. The third plot involves a love story.

Harry Homer is an upper-class rake who decides to pretend to be impotent so that he may get closeness to married women. He spreads a rumor that during his visit to France, he contracted an illness while dealing with a common woman and the only cure that the physician suggested was to surgically reduce the size of his manly organ. Now, when he is impotent and unable, he is no threat to any man’s wife. This impotency trickery is based on the classical Roman comedy Eunuchus by Terence. Wycherly uses this plot to satirize the hypocritical upper-class women who are immoral at heart and willing to mingle with others at the back of their husbands. The trick not only helps Homer to safely seduce as many reputed rich ladies seduce as he could while cuckolding their husbands but also, helps him to target the women as the married women who are looking for an extramarital affair will be disgusted by an impotent. He uses this trick to recognize the women who are interested in an extra-marital affair and then he would trap them. Homer gains success with his plan as he succeeds in sleeping with many high-class aristocratic women. Three such women who make an entry on the stage are Lady Fidget, her sister-in-law Mrs. Dainty Fidget, and her friend, Lady Squeamish. One other conquest of Homer is Margery, the young country wife of Mr. Pinchwife. The story of Pinchwife and Margery is based on Moliere’s two plays titled The School for Husbands, and The School for Wives. Pinchwife knowingly marries a young unsophisticated girl Margery from a village in hope that being innocent, she will remain loyal to him. However, Margery is full of life and curiosity. She is enthusiastic about city life and sophisticated London men. And whom she meets in closeness is Homer. Pinchwife couldn’t doubt Homer as he is known as impotent. Homer teaches Margery and she quickly learns everything about the issues and fun of upper-class married life and seduction. In Moliere’s drama (The School for Wives), the innocent character Agnes is naturally virtuous and pure and hence she denounces any extramarital affair. On the other hand, Wycherly’s Margery decides to take the opportunity in both her hands. Pinchwife is an insecure and jealous man who funnily continues to offer the same knowledge to Margery that he wishes she shouldn’t know. The third story involves Harry Homer’s friend Harcourt who is in love with Pinchwife’s younger sister Alithea. Alithea belongs to an upper-class aristocratic family in London, yet, she is virtuous, honest, and pertinent. Pinchwife engages her with Sparkish who is a shallow fop and continues to show his foolishness. However, despite his stupid and cynical behavior, Alithea, being a virtuous girl respects her engagement with him and remains loyal. Harcourt continues to pursue Alithea in vain. As Homer is in contact with Margery and is cuckolding Pinchwife, he has easy access to Alithea’s home. Situations turn in such a manner that Alitheia while being virtuous and loyal is found by Sparkish and Harcourt in a misleadingly compromising situation. Alithea vows her sanctity and virginity but Sparkish denounces her as he couldn’t trust her. On the other hand, Harcourt has no doubt about Alithea. This leads Alithea to accept Harcourt’s love. Meanwhile, Homer faces the situation of being caught for his false trick of being impotent as when Sparkish accuses Alithea, Pinchwife claims that he is impotent. To this, Margery, known for her frankness feels sad. She personally knows that Homer is not impotent but a better man than Pinchwife. As she decides to counter Pinchwife and tell the truth about Homer, homer saves himself with the help of his other lovers. Pinchwife, who is jealous of Homer’s closeness with so many beautiful women, tends to believe that he is impotent and his wife is innocent. The play ends with the happy ending of Alithea’s re-engagement with Harcourt.

The Plain Dealer

The Plain Dealer was another comedy of manners that won praise for Wycherly. It was again based on one of the very famous plays of Moliere titled Le Misanthrope. Wycherly also used the Shakespearean plot of The Twelfth Night, turning a girl into a male pageboy. Captain Manly is the protagonist who is a misanthrope and doesn’t like other people. He doesn’t trust anyone except his friend named Vernish and Olivia, the girl he loves too much. However, while Olivia responds to his love with love, she gradually finds Vernish more attractive. She ditches Captain Manly and marries Vernish. Captain Manly feels cheated and wishes to take revenge on Vernish and Olivia. He takes the help of one of his pageboys who has earned his trust to go to Vernish and Olivia. He advises the pageboy how to seduce Olivia and thus, break her marriage with Vernish. However, the pageboy is no boy, he in reality is a beautiful girl who desperately loves Captain Manly and chose to disguise herself as a boy to be close to him. In the end, Captain Manly forgives Vernish and Olivia and marries the girl who became a pageboy for her.

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the History of English literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Criticism of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Hello and welcome to the Discourse. In a third-world country, a common man often leads a laborious life, struggling for his bread and butter, facing the consequences of the pandemic alone, and dying an incongruous death from frustration and failure. To an American citizen, such a life is difficult to imagine. He is a citizen of the land of plenty and wealth. He is the one who can proudly reject the government-aided vaccination for Corona of his suspicion of the government and vaccination in general. While in a third-world country, like Pakistan, people face a dearth of medicines and vaccines, where Polio is still an endemic, even during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-vaccine activism in the USA accelerated, amplified, and formed an alliance with political groups and even extremists.

Arthur Miller’s "Death of a Salesman" offers a similar scenario of the land of the plenty and hence, offers a challenge to the American dream, shattering it, and showing the face of reality in the shards of the broken dream. He challenged the common belief that to be an American is to enjoy a life of excess, equality, and ecstasy. No American should die an unlamented death.

The idea of the American Dream oozes from the "Declaration of Independence" which says, 'We believe that all men are born with these inalienable rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'

This idea, this dream is based on the genuine and determining ground of belief that in America, there can be no exploitation, no partialism, and thus, all things are possible to all men, regardless of birth or wealth; if you work hard enough you will achieve anything.

However, Arthur Miller artistically describes how people have been misguided and have misunderstood the idea of the American Dream in his play Death of a Salesman. He offers moving destruction of the whole farce around the American Dream.

The tragedy of Willy Loman, says Arthur Miller, is:

Willy gave his life, or sold it, in order to justify the waste of it…”

Willy represents a common man in America, it is a tragedy of every low man in America. Death of a Salesman is a social tragedy. A Social Tragedy is a modern genre of tragedy that depicts the conflicts between the protagonist as an individual and society as a whole. The protagonist becomes a victim of society’s ill-treatment. The salesman Willy Loman is the victim of social injustice and this social injustice causes his tragedy. But he had his own flaws too. He was the one who mistook the meaning of the American Dream and lead his life following the falsehood around the American Dream. Willy believes in the American falsehood that “Success is obtained by being well-liked”. His dream ends up in a nightmare. Like the American Dream, the idea of Capitalism has also been tarnished and mutilated in America and the play equally challenges the wrong perception of Capitalism too.

To Willy, American Dream means becoming rich overnight. For him, the success of merit is money, big houses, costly cars, immoral affairs, and other material things. Willy gives two hoots to nobility, truth, honesty, and other virtues. Willy is not only a victim of this fraud based on the American Dream, but he also traps his sons Biff and Happy in the same fraud. For Willy, instead of hard work and courage, there is salesmanship. He considers salesmanship a trick to fraud. For Willy, it is the ability to sell a commodity irrespective of its intrinsic values or uselessness. For a salesman, the goal is to earn a profit, he doesn’t care for the trust of the buyer.

Willy is the victim of this falsehood which makes him spiritually hollow. He is unable to understand the difference between good and bad. When Linda complains about Biff’s bad behavior towards girls, he scolds Linda and asks if she wants her son to be a worm like Bernard. Bernard for Willy is liked but not well-liked.

Miller offers the characters of Charley and Bernard to show that despite all the fraud and falsehood surrounding the American Dream, not everyone is fooled by that. Charley is a man of virtues and hardship, he teaches his son the same, and despite being ‘liked but not well-liked’ they attain success. Charley and Bernard attain material success too though that wasn’t their main goal because material success cannot be a goal, it is the consequence, the end result of gaining success at being a good human.

Willy, on the other hand, ceases to be a man and spiritually, he is hollow. When Charley objects to Biff stealing from a nearby construction site, Willy totally ignores it, rather encourages Biff by claiming that his sons are a couple of “fearless characters.” His downfall isn’t sudden. Willy had high hopes for Biff but stealing became a habit of Biff that caused his downfall. Charley realizes that Willy isn’t an evil man at heart, he is a victim of the falsehood around the glorious idea of the American Dream. He tries to offer reason to Willy again and again but Willy isn’t ready to listen as his dream is so dear to him that he becomes blind to the truth. Charley continues to help him and Willy recognizes that even though they dislike one another, Charley is the only friend he has. Charley fails to save Willy and his downfall reflects the total breakdown of the concept of salesmanship which has been an integral part of the capitalist setup of America.

Willy feels that being “Well-liked” is not only the key to success, but he believes that life’s all problems can be solved by looking 'well-liked'. He fails to understand that in the real world, good looks don’t matter, what matters is your worth, skills, and wealth you have. Money can let you buy anything. The dollar rules the real world and overshadows every other human feeling. Willy had the skills, he worked for his company for more than 36 years. He introduced the business to many new cities and made the firm successful. He believes he is a vital man for the company. However, he fails to understand that in a capitalist setup, a man is vital only till he can raise profit for the firm. As soon as you appear weak in your skills at making a profit, you get fired. This fact falls on Willy in a brutal manner. When he gets old, weak, and ill, he asks for a settled desk job on humanitarian grounds. But Howard, his boss rejects his plea. Rather he fires him for a minute mistake as he says,

“I cannot take blood from a stone.”

Willy realizes that forget being vital, he isn’t even a man for the firm at all. For the capitalist boss, no moral or legal binding obligates him to help Willy with the work he did in past. For him, Willy is commercially useless in present and thus, is trash to be thrown.

“Death of a Salesman” offers an alert to American society. Through this story, Miller essentially says that a man is not a machine and that society needs to respect human values as should an individual. Willy’s suicide is the death of the American Dream. Arthur explains this through Biff, the elder son of Willy who says at his father’s funeral,

He had the wrong dream. All, all wrong.”

Charley, though realizes that the American Dream in itself isn’t wrong, the wrong is in how Willy or a common American man perceives it. Charley says that a salesman must dream and that for a salesman there is no rock bottom in life. His younger son Happy understands the situation at a deeper level. He realizes that though tragic, his father was no evil man. He knows his father always tried to do something for his boys and never wished to depend on them. He commits suicide as it will bring twenty thousand dollars of insurance which will help Biff to make a good fortune. Happy is the younger son who never got the same attention and affection from Willy that Biff easily got. Yet, apart from Linda and Charley, he is the only one who understands his father and respects him for what he was. He decides to stay in the town, settle and work hard. He rejects the farce and false around the American Dream while embracing it in a true sense as he says,

“Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s only dream you can have-to come out number-one man.”

So this is it for today. We will continue to discuss the history of American Literature. Please stay connected with the Discourse. Thanks and Regards!